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KEYS University ONLINE
School of Ministry

The destination for Christian leaders who seek to change the world.

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Why Enroll in Our Programs?

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Self - Paced Program

Our self-paced learning programs allow students to learn on their own time, within their schedule, advancing to segments or topics at their speed.  Absolutely no pressure!

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Simple Online Enrollment

Easy enrollment - One Click, 24 hour turn around response. We practice with the highest level of confidentiality. We will not sell students information.

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Professional Mentors

Our seasoned professors, life coaches, trainers will help guide learners and candidates into their personal professional endeavors. Highly trained, anointed men and women fit for the task.

About K.E.Y.S. University International School of Ministry

We aim to empower students to change the world through the power of the Gospel.

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K.E.Y.S. University's mission is to educate, equip, and empower ministers and ministries for effective servant leadership. 

Our Academics

We've designed our online learning experience to benefit our students in three primary ways;

lower cost, convenient accessibility, and a Christ-centered focus.

At K.E.Y.S. University School of Ministry we realize there are many people interested in pursuing their calling and need to prepare for that special career, yet are held back by the need to balance family, career, finances, and faith. You'll find that K.E.Y.S. has created a dynamic and

religious accredited online program to fit people's busy lives.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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